Air-to-Ground Integration Operations / Training
Seasoned Professionals Proven Results
There is a critical need for experienced Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) professionals managing operational airspace. We provide subject matter experts armed with extensive combat experience in skills such as air traffic control, fires support, and joint command and control operations to support Air-to-Ground Integration operations.
Anywhere, Anytime.
Establishment and control of airland and airdrop zones for employment, redeployment, and resupply of ground forces
Doctrine and Organizational Development for optimizing Joint / Combined Air-Ground Operations
Navigating Complex Airspace
Managing a three-dimensional airspace with multiple aircraft, each with its unique abilities and constraints, via ground-based radio communication can appear overwhelming. When factoring in additional stressors such as maintaining awareness of friendly positions, integrating rotary wing aircraft and artillery amidst restricted visibility, fatigue, equipment malfunctions, and, in worst case scenarios, enemy threats, the situation becomes exceedingly dangerous and challenging to adequately simulate in training.
Managing Complex Military Scenarios
In our scenarios, clients encounter various complexities, including stacked air assets, tracking multiple friendly locations simultaneously engaged with enemy forces, and challenging low-visibility conditions to include night operations and all weather, all of which contribute to an abundance of uncertainties.
JTACs require both composure and extensive training to coordinate airstrikes effectively amid the intense pressures of combat, avoiding potentially fatal errors.
Our Mission
Deliver effects-based solutions that equip our partners with essential real-time data for informed decision-making when and where they need it.