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Illicit Activity Detection and Intercept
Live Video Feed and Direct Communication with Decision Makers
A2G offers turnkey airborne ISR services supporting traffic management, high-risk warrant overwatch, counter narcotics operations, waterway patrols, border security, and anti-poaching missions.

Hardware Agnostic Solutions


A2G has been working with South Africa National Parks in its fight against Rhino Poaching.
In October 2021, A2G was the first airborne ISR provider to successfully locate and track a poaching team deep inside a national park. Through our BLOS communications, we were able to successfully coordinate with Park Rangers to interdict the poachers while providing overwatch for the safety of the Rangers.
Our presence has reduced the amount of poaching activity throughout the park during historically peak activity seasons.

Our Mission
Deliver effects-based solutions that equip our partners with essential real-time data for informed decision-making when and where they need it.
Rhino poaching has escalated in recent years, driven by the high demand for rhino horn due to its use as both a medicine and status symbol to display success and wealth. Poachers are now being supplied by international criminal gangs with sophisticated equipment to track and kill rhinos.
Anywhere, Anytime.

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